Area301 – version 2.0 – big, exciting changes

Area301 – version 2.0 – big, exciting changes

Home Forums Area301 Information Area301 – version 2.0 – big, exciting changes

This topic contains 13 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  geotapseo 7 years, 10 months ago.

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    October 2015.

    Among changes:

    • Improvements to Leads Finder
    • New section called The Opportunities

    Please make sure to review our Area301 User Guide to learn how those tools work.



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    Can you guys add all Cities to pull leads across?

    Thanks really liking this I was going to end up creating
    something glad I found you.



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    Hi, If you dont select any cities, it shows all the leads. Selecting a city means showing those leads which are ‘local’ for the selected location. We are adding new cities soon.



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    What kind of changes?

    I have over 12 years in helping companies develop better technology.
    I was one o the original CL masters back in 2006. Helped many companies
    perfect their technology across CL market and many other lead generation

    Easy ad poster was one of those, We were first auto poster of its kind
    at that time

    Looking forward to upgrades.



    • Total posts: 11

    Hi geotapseo, the new version of Area301 will go live in few days. Stay tuned!



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    How we doing on roll out?

    I see status message you must be working in sandbox environment
    still testing things before making the final production update. :)

    You still on same timetable just out of curiosity?




    • Total posts: 11

    Hi, the new changes are live since today morning. I am tweaking few things at the moment and I will send out an official announcement tomorrow.
    Please see this Area301 User Guide for details about the new tool called ‘Opportunities.’ Let me know what you think.



    • Total posts: 3

    Hi Daniel,

    How or where do you source the opportunities?

    What I would like to know is:
    -why do you think these businesses may be in need of design/development services?
    – How can we determine what types of services they may be in need of, in order to better tailor the email





    • Total posts: 11


    Opportunities is a database of websites from the Internet, there is no one source.
    This is up to your strategy to determine why they would need your services. It depends what services you provide.

    As an example: I myself provide Magento services to Fashion clients – I have a good portfolio with those kind of ecommerce sites. I know that Shopify is not offering all the things that Fashion industry needs, so I show to those sites’ owners why using Magento is a better solution.

    An another example are low quality restaurant websites created by Godaddy Website Builder. If you check some of those sites, they are look horrible, and they are own very often by fancy restaurants which can afford a better website. This is a great target!

    What is your target market?



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    Thanks yeah I get that I was wondering if you could pull more data though before counting against a credit.
    Then we can decide if it’s worth clicking on.

    I work with Shopify E-commerence and custom websites, WP here in there not impressed with them in the last 6-12 months. I also do SEO in a major way have a custom system that works with almost every platform
    out there. The better the code obviously better the results.

    So I can assist any industry really, but go for the higher paying ones
    when possible.

    They need a nice coded site for me to even consider it at that point.

    Yeah I get what you’re saying.

    I have some ideas about making this opportunity section better :) Really awesome upgrade though by the way.



    • Total posts: 11

    geotapseo > those are all great suggestions! We will definitely implement some of them soon. Thx!!!!



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    We just increased an amount of credits for PRO users to be 60 per month!



    • Total posts: 11

    Two more updates to Area301:

    • We are now measuring SEO stats for the websites and displaying them in the table. We are using MOZ API.
    • We have added also “Whois Lookup” script allowing you to see details about domains in the opportunity section.


    • Total posts: 5

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    Is there issue with pulling leads for Craigslist can’t seem to get any results lately the last week or so.

    Let me know thanks.

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