How much should I charge for a small WordPress website?

How much should I charge for a small WordPress website?

Home Forums Business How much should I charge for a small WordPress website?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Joker Joker 4 years, 5 months ago.

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    I have clients who need few pages website, how much do you guys charging for this kind of work?



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    Depending on the pages I start WP at $500.



    • Total posts: 11

    Unfortunately, this is a type of question to which the best answer is – it depends. But I agree with raptormarketing, and my short answer would be anything between $500 and $1000.

    Some resources:

    Good luck!



    • Total posts: 8

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    Hi there, I wanted to follow up on this topic. A few years ago I posted here, and I wanted to update you guys.

    Firstly, good news, I am still in business :), and I am creating WordPress sites for my clients. The budget of projects I work on is now anything between $500 and $5,000. But most of them are around $2,000. I found that $2k is something most small businesses are okay with to spend on a website. To make my life easier, I usually buy some nice WordPress theme, show it to my clients for approval, and then I modify it. Best!

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